Wednesday, September 11, 2013
genes in the F420 biosynthetic pathway
Lung cancer xenografts and treatments Animal experiments were approved by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee of Emory University. Six week old Nu/Nu nude mice were purchased from Harlan and housed under pathogen free conditions in microisolator cages. Xenografts were raised by injecting 106 of H460 cells or H460 cells expressing Akt shRNA in a balanced salt solution into subcutaneous Ganetespib tissue at the flank region of nude mice. The tumors were allowed to grow to an average volume of 250 mm3 prior to initiation of therapy as described. The mice bearing H460 cells or H460 Akt shRNA were randomized into seven various treatment groups as follows: vehicle control, PD98059, xenografts expressing Akt shRNA, rapamycin, PD98059 rapamycin, xenografts expressing Akt shRNA rapamycin, xenografts expressing Akt shRNA PD98059 rapamycin.
Tumor volume was measured by caliper Cholangiocarcinoma measurements once every two days and calculated with the formula: V LxW2/2 as described. After 14 consecutive days of treatment, all mice were sacrificed by inhaled CO2. The tumors were then removed, weighed, and fixed with formalin for immunohistochemistry. Harvested tumors were embedded in paraffin and cut into 4 um sections. Staining was performed using the R. T. U. Vectastain kit following the manufacturers standard protocol. Tissue sections were incubated with p Bad, p Bad or p Bad antibody, respectively, overnight at 4 C. The slides were stained with 3,3 diaminobenzidine and counterstained with hematoxylin, dehydrated, treated with xylene, and mounted.
All slides were then examined and representative pictures were taken using an Olympus BX41 microscope. The semiquantitative evaluation of IHC staining of pBad was performed using immunoscore based on both percentage CX-4945 of stained cells and staining intensity as described. The intensity score for p Bad detection was defined as follows: 0, no appreciable staining, 1, weak intensity, 2, moderate intensity, 3, strong intensity, 4, very strong intensity. The fraction score was based on the proportion of positively staining cells. The proportion of cells staining at each intensity was multiplied by the corresponding intensity value and these products were added to obtain an immunoscore ranging from 0 to 400. The mean of the immunoscores was obtained from ten microscopic high power fields.
Statistical analysis The statistical significance of differences between two groups was analyzed with two sided unpaired students t test. were considered to be statistically significant at P 0. 05. Statistical analysis was performed with Graphpad InStat 3 software. Rapamycin induces Bad phosphorylation at S136 and S112 but not S155 via activation of Akt and ERK Previous findings reveal that inhibition of mTOR by rapamycin can activate Akt and ERK1/2. Because ERK1 and ERK2 are physiological S112 Bad kinases while Akt is an S136 Bad kinase, it is possible that rapamycin may stimulate Bad phosphorylation via activation of Akt and ERKs.
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